There is a train terminal beneath the vast halls and
riddled chambers of the grand hotel. I run down one
last flight of
marble steps and hurry onto a train. The car is
crowded. The seats are in pairs, facing forward, with a narrow
aisle between
I’ve barely sat down when the conductor spots me. He
makes his way
over to me, as other passengers arrange their luggage
and settle
into their seats. The conductor is carrying a stack
of hats. He
places the stack of hats in my lap. He asks me to
hold onto them
until we reach our destination. It’s an inconvenience,
but I see nothing unusual in the request.
What’s unusual is this: before we’ve even pulled out
of the
station, one hat begins to sing. I don’t recognize
the tune, or
Then, an old man a few seats behind me stands up, and
says in an
accusing, trembling voice: “I know that voice! It’s
that damned
singing hat! It took me years to get rid of that
hat!” He is wild-
eyed and out of breath. “But now” he pants “… now,
it’s yours!
You’re the one that’s stuck with it!”
The hat continues to sing.
Nervously, I look at the stack of hats in my lap,
searching for the
one that is singing. Then I notice that there is a
man crouched
beneath my seat, his hand cupped to his mouth. It is
he who is
singing, not the hat.
They are playing some sort of trick on me …
I’d been called in to investigate an incident that
happened twenty
years ago.
A group of almost thirty people had been lost in an
accident in the lower levels of the factory. The
bodies had never
been recovered. No one had been down there in
decades. It was a surprise to
find out that the workers were still down there, and
very much alive.
Those strange, cat-like creatures were down there,
too --they’re involved in
everything, apparently. They were rummaging around on
dusty work tables, like they were looking for something, when I
discovered the lost workers.
I called the people who’d hired me, using an old
fashioned phone --
the kind where you hold the cup to one ear as you speak.
The missing workers didn’t mind being found. But they
>weren’t coming back up, either.
Details were vague … They were in the company of a
round-faced Native American boy, who they described as an
“artificial being.”
They said the boy was created in a laboratory in a
orbiting the Earth. The boy came to talk to me. I was
with the opportunity to interview a being of such
strange origin.
The first question that came to my mind concerned
music. What did
he think of it? Was music of any interest at all to
him? Did he
enjoy music, or play an instrument?
He replied that he played guitar. He said that he
only used two
fingers on the fret board, and that he’d developed
his own way of
fingering chords.
It was true – the monkey knew how to use a gun. It
was also true
that the monkey was a good shot. The owner scoffed
when I said the
gun should be taken away from the monkey. “He never
aims at
people,” the owner said. That was true, too. But the
monkey never
considered whether any people were in between his
pistol and what
he was aiming at. We’d all had close calls, and I
intended to
complain until the owner disarmed the animal. “He’s
never killed anyone,” the owner insisted. “That’s
because we’ve all
learned to move faster than his bullets,” I said.
Mike’s dad was driving me through the wintry streets
>of Flagstaff.
He was casually making the car skid and spin on the
ice, doing
everything short of actual donuts. We finally banged into
something. Nothing serious, but I had to fill out an
I was traveling down a bleak German mountainside in a
very small
car, having had some dimly-remembered adventure,
>higher up.
I was stopping to visit castles and historic spots on
the way. In
one old castle, I ran into a young girl on a dark,
stairway. Like the stairway we stood in, the girl was
dusty and
gloomy-looking. I recognized her. She had been part of
the adventure, higher up.
We had some sort of bond. Perhaps I’d slept with her.
But I’d
traveled a long distance from where she lived. It was
strange and
disturbing to find her there.
I expressed my surprise. She told me that she was
visiting the
castle with her family. They were sight-seeing.
Looking out a
small window, I saw a man and two other people
waiting below.
There was something menacing about her family,
especially the
I was certain they had followed me.
We talked some more, and eventually the girl admitted
that they
had been following me. She said that she and her
family had
radiation poisoning. And that they were able to track
me, because anyone who’d been exposed to them had the
radiation now, too.
I had an image of the family following me in their
cramped little
truck, holding a Geiger counter out the window.
There was nothing to do but go down and face them.
The father was
cordial, but the sense of impending attack was
palpable. He was a
gaunt man with thick wild hair at the top of his
head. The other
two, a man and a woman, were merely shadows. The
girl, too, was
fading. Soon she was just barely detectable at the
edge of my
We were talking not far from a castle door I had not
seen earlier.
The father urged me to go inside, insisting I’d find
there that I’d be interested in.
Behind the door were four very old ladies drawing
in sketch pads. They were sitting at a long table.
They moved
their pencils with stiff, mechanical movements. There
was an
intricately carved archway near the ceiling, above a
large, dirty
window. The air smelled of ashes.
They seemed to be drawing whatever it was that was on
the table. I
have two waking impressions of what it was:
The first impression is that it was the corpse of an
old man,
intact but very dry and brittle, lying face up in a
pile of leaves.
The second impression is that it was the still, gray
body of a
rhinoceros, its legs folded beneath it.
I was in the kitchen of an ordinary-looking home. I
was there to
investigate a haunting. I was crouched behind a
counter. Someone,
a woman, was seated at the table behind me.
Suddenly, we heard the front door burst open, and the
sound of
someone forcefully running into the house.
I braced myself.
A harshly-lit, tormented figure exploded into the
kitchen. It
seemed confused and terrified. It entered the kitchen
at a full
run. It stopped itself just short of colliding into
the wall. My
lungs were filled with scorching heat upon seeing it
and I could
hardly breathe. It looked like a boy with straight
black hair, and
glaring, flashing lights all around its eyes.
The interview was to take place outside a window on
the 10th
floor. There was something there that might have been
called a
balcony, but looked much more like a dilapidated fire
escape. It
hung down at a 45 degree angle from the side of the
building’s gray
cement wall, looking as if it could break off and
fall at any
But we clambered out and onto it, and sat down to
wait for the
interviewer. I had a place in the lowest corner,
tucked precariously
between two iron side rails. I’m afraid of heights,
but looking
out and over the streets of Manhattan’s west side, I
was surprised
at my lack of any real discomfort. There were four of
us there to
be interviewed. We waited, then waited some more.
We began to talk among ourselves. Nobody mentioned
the unlikely
and potentially fatal location our prospective
employer had chosen
for the interview. But none of us were making any
sudden or
unnecessary movements, either.
The man seated next to me finally made a remark about
how long it
was taking the interviewer to arrive. “Unless,” I
responded, “the
interviewer is one of us, and the interview has
already started.”
A few minutes before the wedding, the rain came
pouring down. I was
in the caterer’s tent. The plan was to see if the
rain would let up
soon. If it did, the wedding would be performed on
the grass, as
I was introduced to a young Navajo man. I was told that a
documentary was being filmed about a supernatural
encounter he once had.
He told me his story.
A few years earlier, he was in great despair. One
night, he
got drunk in his kitchen, and he decided to slit the
wrist of his
right arm and bleed to death. He slit the wrist.
While he waited
to die, a shadowy being appeared. The apparition gave
him a
cooking pan that was split nearly in two. It gave him
a soldering
iron, and told him to repair the pan. The man did as
he was told.
He lost consciousness just as he finished repairing
the pan.
When he woke up, the shadowy apparition and the pan
were gone. The
slit he had made in his arm was gone. He got up, and
looked at a mirror on the kitchen wall. On the
mirror, written in
blood, was a message. It said that if he ever tried
to take his
own life again, the spirit that had visited him would
be back, and
it would cause him horrible torment.
Something wakes me. I am in bed, facing Gudi. She’s
awake too,
and I ask her what’s the matter. She gestures behind
me. She
whispers that there’s something in the room. I find
that it’s
almost impossible to turn around, but I force myself
to roll over.
There’s some kind of ghost hovering behind my night
It’s made a mess there. It’s spilled a glass of water
onto my
things. I try to talk to it, but no words come out.
Then I see that
it’s spilled water onto my camera, and I get angry.
“You fucked
up my camera?” I hiss. “Get the hell out of here!”
I am sitting with my mother. I am aware that she
passed away just
over a year ago. We are discussing how impressive it
is that
people can calculate coordinates in space, and plan
the docking of
spacecraft out there in all that vastness.
As we talk, we see animated
diagrams of these maneuvers.
“Those dogs can’t stay in here. There’s no room for
them. Put them
on the sidewalk, across the street.”
I take the three dogs outside, and paint a circle on
the sidewalk.
The circle is divided into three sections: red,
yellow, and green.
As soon as the paint dries, the dogs curl up inside
the circle, one in each section.
Gudi and I are being taken to look at a new
apartment. The real
estate broker is leading us up fire escapes and
stairways, over
fences, and through people’s backyards. Soon we are
climbing on
rooftops to get to the place. The broker is
explaining that, while
the place is hard to get to, the rent is very cheap.
The apartment is being haunted by the ghost of a
young woman. She
had fallen out of one of its windows, years before.
My wife and I
are in the apartment, with a blanket the dead woman
left behind.
We suspect that the blanket is keeping her spirit
connected to the
My wife’s parents have just arrived. They've come to
help us free
the young woman’s spirit .
We all take hold of the blanket. My wife’s mother
looks upset. “We
saw her in the window as we drove up,” she tells us.
“She’s still
here, alright.”